Busy like a preposition

I know, I know… My blog had been terribly abandoned and I have not excuse. But in my free weeks I only wanted to enjoy my family and my last vacations, just in case that you want to know I almost finish my university education and in the next months it suppose that I have to get my degree, a job, and get a place in the master’s introducing course, yes I still don’t have idea of how I would do it…

Well let me see, I should have written a note after my last class, if I’m sincere, I felt a little bit lost in my last class, in the meeting that my group had and with all the homework that it should be done a week ago, I mean, I feel like when I was a kid with no classes in the elementary school, and my father had to take me with him to his school. My father was a secondary school teacher and when I came to his class with him I had no idea of what was he talking about, and that is a very, veery sad and shameful feeling.

Whatever I still have some hours before my next class so work hard mode ON!!

Found it in


By the way, you should watch the video, to know what I’m talking about! 😉
